Friday, October 2, 2009

Gym Notes for the week of Oct 5

There have been a lot of girls out sick. I hope everyone is getting healthy, rests up, and enjoys their homecoming. Attendance rules apply to the meet on Tuesday.

Thank you to the girls who stayed and helped put the gym back together. I appreciate the help and we were done by 3:45. The PE dance classes also appreciate it as well.

Next week workout details...
Monday - The team will tumble and then do routines on the events they are competing.
Tuesday - Home meet with Niwot and Elizabeth. Warm ups at 4:00. March in will be at 5:50. It is Senior Night. Everyone who is eligible to compete will.
In order to be eligible for the meet Oct 6, the requirement is: in the gym two times since September 29.
Wednesday - Trick day. The girls should come to practice. These are some of the most productive days we have in the gym. Unfortunately, there is a group of girls who continually miss this practice. Trick days are just as important as the practices before a meet.
Thursday - Trick day.
Friday - at a gym with a pit? I need to ask the girls about this. I will post more information once the girls and I decide on a course of action.

October 6 will be the last meet for the junior varsity and a few varsity girls. These girls should continue to come to practice and work on skills. I will outline the expectation for these gymnasts on Wednesday next week.

If gymnasts are going to be out of town during Fall Break. I would appreciate an e-mail from parents so I can start planning the line up for league.

I need Local Value Cards either sold or returned to me. The next gymnast who sells all of her cards and brings the money to me, will win a leotard.

There will be a mandatory attendance for all gymnasts on Monday, November 2.
Please do not schedule any doctors appointments on this day. All gymnasts are expected to help with tear down. It goes quickly if everyone shows up. We also vote for team awards. Gymnasts who are not at tear down are not eligible to receive an award at the banquet.

Please check out my post on September 27 for more details on upcoming dates.

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